Dr. Robert Dean is a Board Certified Internist practicing in Florida. Known as a doctor's doctor, he is passionate for medical care and its ability to enhance the lives of patients throughout the world. His desire for discovery enables him to identify solutions to both common and complex health problems that elude many practitioners. As a humanitarian, Dr. Dean has traveled the globe with the Starkey Hearing Foundation, giving the gift of hearing to children and adults in poor and impoverished areas. Believing in the power of the human spirit and the difference that one person can make, especially when working with others, he has made it his life's mission to use medicine to improve the lives of people throughout the world, regardless of their socioeconomic status.
As an innovator, Dr. Robert Dean is continually identifying ways to improve existing treatments and solve complex medical cases in his Practice. He is a problem solver and his Practice centers around a unified approach to health care where the entire body is treated, rather than focusing on isolated symptoms or diseases. Understanding that the body is complex, he works towards long-term patient-centered solutions and works with organizations such as The Starkey Hearing Foundation and The Friedrich's Ataxia Research Alliance on a quest for cures to diseases.
Dr. Dean has received many accolades for his work, including as one of the Top Doctors in Florida. He has combined his passion for medicine and desire to help the global community through his television series, Cures for Mankind; which is part educational and part action adventure as he takes viewers deep into the wild to find unique plants and animals which are a source of many of today's life-saving drugs. Leaving no stone unturned, Dr. Robert Dean doesn't rest until he has given viewers an inside look into the cutting edge world of medicine.
To learn more about Dr. Robert Dean, a Florida Internist and global humanitarian, call (727) 239-0887 or email info@doctorrobertdean.com. He is currently accepting new patients at his Advanced Regenerative Orthopedics locations, including if you've been injured in an auto-accident. Additionally, you can request an appearance or interview with Dr. Dean by emailing, pr@doctorrobertdean.com. As a medical expert, his insights are commonly used in local and national media and news publications.